Another morning wasted with computer glitches. No wonder I get discouraged , and throw up my hands in disgust. It's supposed to be so much easier to communicate now, but when I typed on my old trusty Royal, or even the electric IBM, at least the words stayed where you put them. This is my second try at today's Blog. The first one suddenly disappeared when halfway done. You never know when you might inadvertently push a button that control something lethal.
It may well be that these sudden outbursts of temperament had a big role in my repeated neglects of the network connections I had established. Even a new computer, which I hoped would be easier to conquer, has only created new frustrations.
Well now that I've got my grumble off my chest, I might do better tomorrow. Today, time has run out. The other parts of my life demand me. At least I'm showing up.
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