I am excited! My local Boone bookstore Black Bear Books is hosting a book launch for "The Whirligig of Time" on Saturday June 9th, 1-4 pm. I plan to answer questions, sign your books, share a few stories and read a passage or two, like:
......."That winter my life was quite disorganized and unsatisfactory. My job was boring and unrewarding...
Then in April Julie told me about her new job as Assistant Head Counselor at a huge defense plant. The country was reeling from a terrible year of enemy advances, and I felt a growing urgency to get involved in the war effort in some meaningful way. -- "The Whirligig of Time," page 76
......."The Sperry Gyroscope Company had invented a bombsight for warplanes and the Army Air Corps was ordering it in enormous quantities for the first major air war in history...thousands of the workers were female, filling the jobs that in peacetime would have gone to men. Most of these workers were new to factory work -- housewives, clerks, saleswomen, teachers, even a few debutantes - who had never before seen the inside of a factory. Both the workers and the Counselors found themselves in a new world -- page 78
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